Posts filed under: Redefining Your Purpose & Thriving in Your Empty Nest

Empty Nest Life – Discovering What’s Next

Figuring out what’s next in your life in your empty nest can be difficult.   This is particularly true in the midst of a global pandemic.   For instance, your kids, who are college students, may be back in your house because the dorms are closed.  Or your adult child...

That was NOT Halloween

 I bought a huge bag of candy in late September.  I bought the good kind with a variety of bars made of chocolate, caramel, toffee and peanuts. I guess I thought buying the candy would prevent the inevitable.   For the first time in 26 years I did not accompany...

Saying Goodbye to Childhood

Yesterday I called the Purple Heart donation center they are coming to my house next week.  They will take the Little Tikes preschool table and chairs I have had for 26 years.  Seeing it go will break my heart.   I purchased it when my first child was a toddler and...

Gratefulness Lessons Courtesy of the Pandemic

In spite of the oppressive southern heat of my adopted home state of Maryland, summer became my favorite time of year after I had kids.  My children’s excitement over delicious, carefree summer days free from the rigors of endless sports practices, school events, music lessons and homework was contagious.  ...