Posts filed under: Raising Teens

That was NOT Halloween

 I bought a huge bag of candy in late September.  I bought the good kind with a variety of bars made of chocolate, caramel, toffee and peanuts. I guess I thought buying the candy would prevent the inevitable.   For the first time in 26 years I did not accompany...

Gratefulness Lessons Courtesy of the Pandemic

In spite of the oppressive southern heat of my adopted home state of Maryland, summer became my favorite time of year after I had kids.  My children’s excitement over delicious, carefree summer days free from the rigors of endless sports practices, school events, music lessons and homework was contagious.  ...

Back to School at Home

I recently shopped at Walmart for school supplies for my 10th grader.  I went on the very last day of “Tax-Free Week” in my state, so I was concerned that the school supply aisles might be sparse.  When it comes to back-to-school shopping, the early birds get the worm and...